Forum Thread: kroktopia?

what quest do i have to do in order to gain access to emperor's retreat in wizard101?

3 Responses

After you defeat the Vault of Ice (quest from Shalek) in the Krokosphinx, he will give you quests called Retribution and The Greatest Warrior. Retribution leads you into the Emperor's Retreat. There you have to defeat Krokhotep.

Hope this helps! 

I got the "Book of the Fang" and now have the quest to use the book of the fang.  How do I do that?

Sorry I couldn't get back to you quickly. The Book of the Fang is next to the Balance school teacher Alhazred. To get there, go to the Krokosphinx and find the ladder leading underground. Go there, and to the right of Alhazred is the book. To use it, just read it! If you couldn't find how to use the scroll or the obelisk rubbing, the scroll is in the library, and the obelisk is in the Vault of Ice. 

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